How to Get Great Sound Quality on YouTube

The top YouTubers may have vastly different content, but they have two things in common.
They all look and sound good.
And that doesn’t necessarily mean they have professional-level production. Rather, their video production amplifies their message rather than distracting from it.
When it comes to audio, your voice doesn’t need to have polished sound like you’re a guest on The Howard Stern Show. But it does need to be clear and intelligible to your audience.
When you consider the narrow frequency range and low output of speakers on phones and laptops, it becomes apparent that you need to ensure your audio is translating across all devices.
In most cases you’ve got just several second to grab people’s attention. And if your audio level is too low, is distorted, or is flat and muffled-sounding, there’s a good chance you’ll lose people that would have otherwise been interested.